How do we make your company more efficient?
- We are great at PR Consulting, specializes in brand imaging and public relations development.
- We have many connections, so we can use them to make your company better.
- We have a lot of knowledge about technology, to make your life easier.
- We know, who is important to you and your company.
- We are looking for problems to solve them.
- We are not limited to only one country.
- We have experience in various fields.
- We know people, who know people.
- All you have to do is, try to adapt.
- How many we are?
- It depends, how many do you need and Who do you need.
- We can make it happen.
- Changing your Company Image:
- Your company logo. Does it evoke the desired thoughts and feelings in your target audience?
- Your Web site. Is it zany and full of wild colors or conservative and designed with muted colors?
- Product packaging. Do products from the same line look like they came from the same company?
- The look of your business cards, letterhead and invoices. A look is created with color, paper quality and type style.
- How your store looks, even how it smells. Your window displays are essentially advertisements for people passing by.
- The location and hours of operation of your store.
- How employees interact with customers in person and on the phone.
- How your phone is answered.
- How you and your employees are dressed.
Business information:
Company: Media M PL, SPÓŁKA Z OGRANICZONĄ ODPOWIEDZIALNOŚCIĄ, Adress: ul. Stefana Okrzei 1 A/10 P, Zip: 03-715, Warszawa, Poland,
NIP (the Tax Identification Number): PL1133106778, REGON (the statistical identification number): 52623056600000, KRS (National Court Register): 0001055137,
Registration date in KRS: 2023-08-30,
PKO Bank Polski: PL56 1020 1185 0000 4102 0368 7738 PLN, PL34 1020 1185 0000 4102 0368 7746 EUR, PL12 1020 1185 0000 4302 0368 7753 USD, BIC (SWIFT): BPKOPLPWXXX
NIP (the Tax Identification Number): PL1133106778, REGON (the statistical identification number): 52623056600000, KRS (National Court Register): 0001055137,
Registration date in KRS: 2023-08-30,
PKO Bank Polski: PL56 1020 1185 0000 4102 0368 7738 PLN, PL34 1020 1185 0000 4102 0368 7746 EUR, PL12 1020 1185 0000 4302 0368 7753 USD, BIC (SWIFT): BPKOPLPWXXX
made by M.M.